

“When Vision meets Action the World changes”

Leadership is about envisioning and shaping the future. The key step is to begin with the end in mind. As they say, the future is always a better place to start. Sustainable Leadership is a new type of leadership that makes the long-term sustainability a top priority; it is a process of influence that delivers direction, alignment and commitment, and aims to address social, environmental and economic issues to create a better world.

Sustainable Leadership is about driving change faster

Chrysoula serves organizations of all sizes in a wide range of industries promoting sustainable practices and policies to improve the business performance and outcomes of people critical to the organization’s sustainable growth. She works TOGETHER with c-suite executives to business leaders, to entrepreneurs and to nonprofits; Chrysoula challenges their thinking and strategy to create a compelling vision and a competitive advantage for a viable future.

"Sustainable Leaders will not just play the game; they will change the game"